Links of the Day: Canton Industrial Park Benefiting From Shale, More Promised Land Feedback, EPA's Tainted Tests, Lawsuits Over Methane Migration, and More

EID Ohio:  Canton Industrial Park Begins to See Growth from Shale

National Review Online:  Fracking Fiction (review of Promised Land)

Wall Street Journal:  The EPA's Tainted Fracking Tests

John Hanger's Facts of the Day:  Promised Land Fracks or Blows It: My Review

The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register:   Magers Now Suing CNX, Columbia

Sierra Club:  How You Can Organize Around Promised Land  AG appeals "leniency" for Pa. wastewater dumper

Oil & Gas Journal:  Ohio Marcellus-Utica drilling joint venture formed  An open letter to environmental activists regarding utilities

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