From the Ohio Department of Natural Resources: "During the first quarter of 2016, Ohio’s horizontal shale wells produced 5,485,854 barrels of oil and 329,537,838 Mcf (329 billion cubic feet) of natural gas, according to figures released today by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Quarterly production from the first quarter of 2016 shows a significant increase from quarterly production from the first quarter of 2015. 2015 QUARTER 1 (SHALE) 2016 QUARTER 1 (SHALE) INCREASE Barrels of oil: 4,432,188 5,485,854 24% Mcf of gas: 183,585,251 329,537,838 80% The ODNR quarterly report lists 1,351 horizontal shale wells, 1,302 of which reported oil and gas production during the quarter. Of the 1,302 reporting oil and gas production results: The average amount of oil produced was 4,213 bbls. The average amount of gas produced was 253,101 Mcf. The average number of first quarter days in production was 85. All horizontal production reports can be accessed at oi