None Injured in Large Fire at Monroe County Well Pad

From The Columbus Dispatch: A Monroe County shale-well site still was smoldering last night, and some residents were sheltered at a nearby high school, after an explosive fire yesterday morning. Officials said yesterday that the fire at the Eisenbarth well pad was caused by a mechanical malfunction in hydraulic tubing and that it was limited to the equipment on the surface of the well pad, which is the area that surrounds the natural-gas wells. Flames spread from the tubing to 20 trucks that were lined up on the well pad, causing explosions and thick, black smoke that stayed for hours. None of the 45 workers on site was hurt, state and oil-company officials said yesterday. One firefighter was treated for smoke inhalation. Read many more details in the rest of that article by clicking here. Thank goodness that no one was injured. This is yet another reminder that whatever side of the fracking debate you fall on, there is always a risk of accidents tha...