Important Context on a New Duke Spills Study
by Nicole Jacobs, Energy in Depth Today, Duke University published a study analyzing oil- and gas-related spill rates in four states, identifying 6,648 spills reported across Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota and Pennsylvania from 2005 to 2014. But, much like Duke’s 2016 study of spills in North Dakota , this latest study leaves out some crucial information that is essential to understanding the impact of those numbers. Before we get into why, it’s worth pointing out briefly that one of the researchers on the team, Kate Konschnik , previously worked for Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who was a co-sponsor of the FRAC Act — legislation that would put EPA in control of regulating hydraulic fracturing. Whitehouse is also a huge proponent of activist Bill McKibben and one of the ringleaders of the #ExxonKnew movement. Konschnik also completed a fellowship with Earthjustice and was a former member of the Montgomery County (Md.) Sierra Club’s executive committee . Thes