Fracking Critics Begin Attempts to Stoke Fears About Pipeline Dangers

From the Huffington Post:
The key is to take the unsettling things we know about the harms of fracking and to use them to strengthen our resolve and help embolden ourselves and our communities into action. So here's a new piece of knowledge to help in that endeavor.
When people hear about the proliferation of gas drilling happening in the U.S., the word "fracking" often comes to mind.  But another word needs to join the drilling vocabulary: pipelines. The spread of gas drilling and fracking also means more pipelines. Every gas well that's fracked and drilled requires approximately 1.6 miles of pipeline--and that is just to get the gas from the well pad to the interstate line that cuts its swath from community to community to community, linking all that potential harm together.
 Read the rest of this post here.

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