National Attention Getting Focused on Mahoning Valley

From Business Journal Daily:
Standing outside the Lemon Grove Café downtown, Frank Desoer, a journalist with CBC Radio-Canada in Montreal, noted the venue did not exist when he visited the city four years ago. “You can feel the difference. The atmosphere is different,” Desoer remarked.
Desoer is just one of the many out-of-town – and even out-of--country – journalists to have discovered the Mahoning Valley. A Swiss TV crew has been shooting interviews here for several days, for example, and a crew from CBS was recording efforts Tuesday by the Mahoning County Democratic Party to transport county residents to the board of elections to cast their ballots.
Tony Paglia, vice president for government and media affairs with the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber, said the chamber lhas recently worked with CNBC, PBS News Hour, Huffington Post and the Associated Press as well as news outlets from Germany and Japan.
“The pace of inquiries has been unbelievable the entire year, but has picked up exponentially in the last month or so,” he said. “Youngstown-Warren is on the map around the world, first because this once-depressed area is actually outpacing much of the nation in growth -- that’s always a good story -- and second because we are in the swing state of Ohio.”   
Of course, shale development is a big reason for that growth.  Read the rest of the article here.

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