A Simple Solution Offered to Reduce Freshwater Consumption for Fracking

From Fuel Fix:
The enormous amount of water used in hydraulic fracturing is  a key environmental criticism of the process, as well as a high cost for the industry, but oil companies could turn to a simple solution, according to an academic.
“We start with fresh water and then we make it saltwater,” said Stephen A. Holditch, director of the energy institute at Texas A&M University, referring to current industry hydraulic fracturing practices. “Why the hell not start with saltwater?”
Holditch posed the question at the 21st Century Energy Technology Conference & Trade Show hosted by the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers at the George R. Brown Convention Center.
While the idea seems simple enough, companies would have to test and develop new approaches to fracturing  jobs if they substituted salt water for fresh water, executives said.
Read the rest of this story by clicking here.

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