First Presidential Debate Touches on Energy Policies

From the Oil & Gas Journal:
Oil and natural gas issues quickly appeared as US President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney met on Oct. 3 in the first of three debates. The Democratic and Republican presidential nominees agreed that more US energy should be developed, but disagreed over details.
Romney mentioned North American energy independence by 2050 as the first of five major goals in his opening statement. Obama noted that both nominees agreed that US energy production needs to increase. US oil and gas output is up, he noted, but developing new forms of energy also is important.
“Energy is critical,” Romney responded. “It’s true that production is up, but not due to [the president’s] policies. All the oil and gas growth has been on private and state land. Production actually is down on federal land.”
Romney said that if he is elected, he would immediately approve the Keystone XL Pipeline Project’s cross-border permit, and push for more crude oil production in Alaska.
Read the rest of the article here.

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