Renacci Looking to Ohio's Energy Future

From Energy in Depth, an editorial by Congressman Jim Renacci:
When it comes to energy, there is good news on the horizon for Ohio. With improvements to the process of extracting oil and natural gas, Ohio has an opportunity to become a major player in the domestic energy game.
An increase in shale development and natural gas production would, of course, come on top of our already massive supply of coal – which can now be burned more cleanly and efficiently than at any time in history. Several companies are looking at areas in northeast Ohio to tap into the Marcellus Shale formation, one of the largest natural gas reserves in the world.
That means more jobs for Ohioans and more domestic energy for all Americans, both significant positives. New employment would come from the industry itself, as well as in the industries providing the materials, supplies and services needed to meet the demands of expanding development. The Ohio steel industry and energy sector in particular would benefit greatly.
With shale development, Ohio can tackle two significant problems: high unemployment and lagging domestic energy production. The abundant, clean-burning fuel must play a key role in the “all-of-the-above” energy strategy I have advocated for since being elected. The new, less invasive techniques used to extract natural gas mean we have the ability access it without causing significant harm to our environment – something we can all agree we must avoid.
Unfortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency is working every day to put the brakes on our ability to access and use Ohio’s vast energy resources. One example of their anti-energy agenda is the proposed mercury rule. Independent groups estimate the new rule, will cost between $70-200 billion dollars annually. Those costs will result in higher energy prices for consumers and businesses, and less energy produced.
Rep. Renacci goes on to talk about an energy forum and community discussion that he will be hosting at Walsh University on May 23.  Read the entire article here.

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