EID Skewers Vermont Over Fracking Ban

I knew it was coming from the second I saw the report that Vermont's governor was going to sign a bill banning fracking in the state.  And now it's here.  Energy in Depth, the industry-backed oil and gas site, has now published their response to Vermont's fracking ban.  This bill is a meaningless bit of posturing, since there really isn't any desire on anyone's part to frack in the state, so EID was bound to have plenty to say.

Here is an excerpt:

Last week, the state of Vermont made news by becoming the first state to ban hydraulic fracturing, the proven well completion technology that has been safely applied more than one million times since the Truman administration. The state’s Governor, Peter Shumlin (D), signed the bill banning the procedure just weeks after the legislature sent it to his desk.
Vermont, of course, has little to no proven natural gas reserves, which of course makes the ban more of a political or symbolic statement than a prescription of sound policy. As The Oklahoman noted, banning hydraulic fracturing in Vermont is “like banning offshore drilling in Oklahoma.” Even the largest newspaper in Vermont acknowledged that the ban “will have little to no immediate effect here, as there is no drilling taking place, none proposed and no solid information that Vermont has the underground gas to draw interest in fracturing.”
Since there is little to no natural gas in Vermont, the state chooses to rely heavily on imported natural gas from western Canada — where, ironically, hydraulic fracturing has been used safely since the 1950s. How convenient, eh?

Read the rest of the article here.

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