May 9th Links - More Inspectors in Ohio, Fracktivist-Funded Science Defies Physics, Chesapeake Midstream Financial Report, Voters Like Kasich's Tax Plan, Why Environmentalists Should Like Shale Gas, and Dominion Plans Shale Expansion

Here are links to oil and gas news of the day:

Ohio to put more oil and gas inspectors out in the field.

Study suggests that fracking chemicals will migrate into groundwater - and all they'd have to do is completely defy the laws of physics. 

Chesapeake Midstream Partners announce net income of $52.4 million for first quarter.

Polling reveals that voters like Governor Kasich's proposed tax hike for oil and gas drillers, even if they don't like Kasich all that much.

Environmentalists are fighting shale development, but it is actually helping them with one of their causes.

Dominion plans shale expansion.

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