Meyers Lake Bans Shale Exploration

From the Canton Repository:
CANTON —Amid a boisterous and vocal crowd, Village Council unanimously banned any expansion of oil and gas exploration at a meeting Monday.
Despite warnings from Village Counsel Dean Dahl, Councilman Joe Boda’s proposal was approved to applause from residents.
The ordinance, adopted on an emergency basis so it would go into effect immediately, bans horizontal hydraulic fracturing, “fracking,” or deepening of any existing wells to extract oil or natural gas, or to dispose of the sand, water and chemical byproducts the drilling process creates.
The ordinance also forbids village residents from selling or leasing mineral rights beneath their property for oil and gas exploration.
Of concern is that Meyers Lake Preserve, the nonprofit owner of the lake, sold the mineral rights under the lake in March 2011 to Chesapeake Energy, and that drilling beneath the lake could contaminate it and nearby water wells.
Read the rest of the article here.

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