Have the Oil and Gas Companies Moved Too Quickly For Carroll County?

From The Newark Advocate:

This April, I went with a group to Carroll County, the new hot spot for deep shale drilling here in Ohio. Currently, there are about 20 wells. Soon, there will be thousands. Here's what we saw and were told: 
» Large pipeline clearings lace the countryside, 4 to 5 acre well pads grace the hilltops and huge semis stream through downtown Carrollton. 
» Most gas-oil taxes go to the state with little staying locally. 
» We were told, "Companies are always pushing the envelope." Gas-oil companies are moving so fast, it's hard for local officials to make wise decisions. 
» The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is not addressing community concerns about drilling in wetlands, headwaters and water protection areas. 
» No one seemed to know who would pay for a major community disaster if one were to occur. 
» Skilled workers needed by local businesses are taking jobs as truck drivers and security guards. 
» Rents have doubled because of out-of-state workers. Some residents no longer can afford to rent locally. 
» One farming family with a huge well pad behind their house and a large compressor station nearby said that if they could rethink their leasing decision, they would "fight like hell" to keep it from happening.

Read the rest of the article here.

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