Victory for Fracktivists in South Africa Also Means Victory for Coal

From John Hanger's blog:
"Fracking Debate Wracks South Africa" was the headline in yesterday's WSJ article by Devon Maylie. Maylie reports that environmentalists won a moratorium in April 2010 on fracking in South Africa, and the nation is building two new coal plants to help close a gap between electricity demand and supply.

Saying no to gas means saying yes to coal and oil in South Africa, America, and around the world.  And what's the carbon result? The carbon emissions from South Africa's new coal plants will be more than twice what they would be had the plants run on gas.

One needs not read any further to understand why the world is loading its atmosphere with record amounts of carbon pollution, with the exception of America, where massive new gas production is slashing carbon pollution.  Yet, in the minds of some, banning or stalling gas development is a victory for the environment.
Read the rest of the article by clicking here.

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