Truthland Screening Draws Disruptive Fracktivists

From Energy in Depth:
The Independent Oil & Gas Association of New York (IOGA-NY) has recently been taking Truthland out for screening in some of the far reaches of upstate and western New York.  EID Marcellus was there for a showing of the movie at Buffalo State College.  It  was a private event and there was no connection with the school except for the location, a point made clear from the very beginning by moderator Cherie Messore.   The event turned out members of the press who, I must add, did an excellent job covering it.
There was, unfortunately, also a crowd of natural gas opponents, bent on disruption, who were equipped with signs and postcards handed out at the entrance of the building by anti-energy activists.  Just prior to the screening there was, for example, an altercation in the parking lot outside the building that required a police presence.  Sadly, none of the articles regarding the events of the night, as good as most were, covered the reason why security was called in the first place.  Or,  maybe it just wasn’t covered because the whole episode served as an indictment of the tactics of these activists, which, on this evening, consisted solely of self-righteous acts of disruption – attempts to shut off debate rather than have an intelligent discussion.  They put on something of a show but it surely didn’t help their cause with thinking individuals anxious to sort out the truth.
Read the rest of the article, complete with video of some of the goings-on, by clicking here.

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