Professor Lists 10 Reasons Fracking is Doomed - and Gets Quickly Debunked

From Real Clear Energy comes an article by University of Michigan professor Juan Cole where he outlines 10 reasons that he believes fracking is doomed.  His list includes such things as this:
5. With Japan’s nuclear energy plants being phased out because of public fury over the Fukushima disaster, the country is trying to move quickly to renewables. It is placing a big bet on offshore floating wind platforms. Japan has been in the doldrums in many ways since the bubble burst in the 1990s. But its scientists and engineers are among the best in the world, and I wonder whether research on wind and solar energy might have the potential to revivify not only the economy but also the national spirit.
You can read the rest of his reasoning here.

Further examination is done of Professor Cole's article in a response posted on Watts Up With That (click here to read it).  For example, here is the simple response to the connection the professor tried to make between the Fukushima disaster and the death of fracking:
Maybe I’m missing something here… But I don’t see how Japan’s lack of cheap energy sources dooms fracking.
All in all, I found it an amusing look at an agenda-driven anti-fracking article that was a sitting duck to be picked apart by equally agenda-driven pro-drillers.

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