Devil's in the Details When it Comes to Frack Fluid Disclosure

Gelled frack fluid
From Shale Reporter comes a blog post about examining the information released by the industry on, which says in part:
Most of the secret formula came from the subcategories “corrosion inhibitor” and “breaker.”
It's true that these compounds CAN be found around your house, or otherwise in your daily life. Aromatic aldehyde can be a flavoring, or it can be an additive used in dye and plastics production. Organic amine resin is a hardener. Quaternary ammonium compound – here's a fun one – is a disinfectant. Cured acrylic resin is another hardener – it can be found in your windshield if you've had a chip repaired.
But the interesting thing (at least to me) is that for some of these wells, there's another category of compounds that are not provided. A disclaimer reads: “Additional Ingredients Not Listed on MSDS component information were obtained directly from the supplier. As such, the Operator is not responsible for inaccurate and/or incomplete information. Any questions regarding the content of this information should be directed to the supplier who provided it.” So, the well operator is abdicating responsibility for what those things may be.
Another interesting feature: The satellite view of the maps is so accurate that you can drill down to extreme detail – such as how close the wells are to parks, buildings and streams. It's easy to see, when you pull back on that map, how close together wells are. Fabulous information, if I were buying a house.
Read the rest of the article here.

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