Chesapeake Construction in Louisville Featured in New York Times

From the New York Times:
LOUISVILLE, Ohio — The countryside in eastern Ohio is marked by rusting tanks that stand in open fields and along the edges of family timber patches, like graveyard headstones for an era of energy riches that most people here thought had passed.
Petroleum from this region once supplied John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil refineries in Cleveland, 70 miles to the north. More than 6,500 conventional oil and gas wells have been drilled here in Stark County over the decades, according to state records; most no longer yield enough fuel to market. But natural gas buried in shale thousands of feet below the surface is attracting more than $1 billion in private investment and rapidly reviving the area as an energy producer.
To prepare, market and transport the natural gas, companies are building an expansive network of regional field offices, processing plants and other infrastructure.
For example, the Chesapeake Energy Corporation, which is based in Oklahoma City and is the largest developer of the shale formation, known as the Utica Shale, is building a field office on a 291-acre site here that it bought here last year for $7.11 million. The project’s centerpiece is a five-story, 85,000-square-foot office tower that is scheduled to be completed early next year. The company is also building a 55,000-square-foot receiving and maintenance building and a 6,000-square-foot repair shop.
Read the whole article here.

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