West Virginia Study Finds No Major Health Risks from Shale Development

From Energy in Depth:
In fact, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently released a study that threw cold water on the activist theory of out-of-control air emissions from shale development.
From the report’s conclusion:
“Based on a review of completed air studies to date, including the results from the well pad development monitoring conducted in West Virginia’s Brooke, Marion, and Wetzel Counties, no additional legislative rules establishing special requirements need to be promulgated at this time.  As evident by the many air studies underway, these initiatives will result in more complete information over time. Once available, this data will help advance and guide future rule development. In the meantime, the existing regulatory framework provides a basis for implementation of requirements to minimize and mitigate human health and environmental impacts” (p. 9).
This latest report follows a previous study done for the West Virginia DEP by the School of Public Health at West Virginia University (WVU), which evaluated the noise, light, dust and volatile organic compounds from horizontal wells. That study found that “there are no indications of a public health emergency or threat.”
Read more about this latest report here.

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