Rubio Unveils Energy Plan During Visit to Salem

From Business Journal Daily:
As he stood beneath a 15-ton crane on the manufacturing floor of BOC Water Hydraulics, it became obvious why Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio had chosen Salem to unveil his energy policy. 
The future of American energy, he said, lies with oil and natural gas, not solar and wind power. And areas like Columbiana County where shale drilling is happening – coupled with companies like BOC manufacturing parts for those projects – is where innovation and economic boosts will come from, he said. 
Before a standing-room-only crowd of nearly 250, Rubio laid out the three priorities for his energy policy: minimize bureaucracy, maximize private innovation and optimize the available energy resources. 
“The $100 billion of natural gas and the $550 billion of oil beneath our feet are doing more to help the people of Ohio and doing no good pent up in shale rock,” Rubio said. “Yet Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are arguing that it’s more important for us to stabilize and subsidize wind turbines and solar panels than to expand our extraordinary reserves.”
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