UPDATED: Illegal Fracking Waste Dumping in Youngstown Prompts Anger From Reps & Residents


Two new articles from the Youngstown Vindicator share further developments on this story.

The amount of wastewater emptied into the sewer is now being reported as 40,000 to 50,000 gallons, rather than 20,000 gallons.  From the Vindicator:
Youngstown Fire Chief John J. O’Neill Jr. said he spoke Wednesday with Kurt Kollar, the on-scene coordinator for OEPA’s Division of Emergency and Remedial Response, who told him 40,000 to 50,000 gallons were dumped into a storm sewer that empties into the Mahoning River. 
“They plan on filing state and federal charges against the appropriate parties,” O’Neill said Kollar told him. “That’s why they’re being sketchy” with details. 
About 90 percent of the cleanup was done by Wednesday, O’Neill said. 
Initial reports estimated the amount of fracking waste to be about 20,000 gallons. But O’Neill said Kollar told him it was 40,000 to 50,000.
Read that whole article here. 

Another article reports that the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will revoke the permits of D&L Energy Group, whose CEO Ben Lupo ordered an employee to engage in the illegal dumping.  Read that article here.

This is a disgusting crime, and many are calling for a prosecutor to make an example of those behind it.


More details are emerging about the 20,000 gallons of fracking wastewater that were illegally dumped into a storm sewer in Youngstown on January 31st.

From Timesonline.com:
“I’m outraged,” said Liberty Township Trustees Chairman Jodi Stoyak. “(But) I’m more upset that this occurred last week, and the ordinary public is just hearing about it today.”
Stoyak said she read about the incident — which occurred about 7:30 p.m. Jan. 31 — in the media Wednesday morning.
Other elected officials echoed Stoyak’s sentiments.
That whole article can be viewed here.

The Youngstown Vindicator has an excellent article updating the story.  An excerpt:
Both the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency received an anonymous tip late Thursday and were on the scene within three hours. They were able to obtain photographic evidence of the dumping taking place, a source inside ODNR told state Sen. Joe Schiavoni of Boardman, D-33rd. 
Emergency response teams from the OEPA, U.S. EPA and ODNR managed to collect samples of the dumped substance that are being analyzed. Workers continue to mitigate the effects of the spill, where the drain entered a Mahoning River tributary behind the Toys “R” Us Distribution Center on Geoffrey Trail just off Salt Springs Road and leaked an unknown amount of oil and brine into the river. 
However, the regulatory agencies have been reluctant to release further details as they plan to proceed with a criminal investigation, said Chris Abbruzzese, deputy director of communications for the OEPA.
Read that whole article here.

You can also view the Ohio EPA Notice of Violation:

And the Ohio EPA Initial Pollution Incident Report:

Image courtesy http://www.wkbn.com/media/lib/129/0/7/a/07a80d86-e762-4df6-8828-f11d98474bc8/Story.jpg

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