Don't Frack Ohio's Big Weekend Gets Started With...Yoga
Don't Frack Ohio and Water Defense are tweeting pictures as they start their invasion of Columbus in an attempt to get regulators to stop fracking in Ohio. Here is what they are doing:
Oops, sorry, that last one was from a hippie rainbow gathering. I don't know how I made that mistake.
While the fracktivists do yoga and watch Gasland, the oil and gas industry has their own plans for a special screening of Truthland in Columbus on Saturday. I suppose it will be interesting to see what kind of support the single-day pro-fracking event, which was only recently announced, gets as compared to the long-planned anti-fracking event.
View some more of Don't Frack Ohio's agenda for the weekend after the jump.

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Oops, sorry, that last one was from a hippie rainbow gathering. I don't know how I made that mistake.
While the fracktivists do yoga and watch Gasland, the oil and gas industry has their own plans for a special screening of Truthland in Columbus on Saturday. I suppose it will be interesting to see what kind of support the single-day pro-fracking event, which was only recently announced, gets as compared to the long-planned anti-fracking event.
View some more of Don't Frack Ohio's agenda for the weekend after the jump.
Friends -
We have a lot planned for next weekend. A LOT.
I’m going to try to break it all down for you in this email, but before I do, I wanted to let you know that Danny, Katie and I will be hosting a video chat on Sunday to talk about the action, and answer any questions you may have.
Just go to at 7 PM on Sunday and we’ll talk about plans for the coming week, what the action on Sunday will look like, and how you can best support what’s planned. (we’ll send a reminder Sunday, but I wanted to put it on your calendar)
OK, on to what’s happening.
First, here are some of the people who are coming:
- Hundreds and hundreds of people like you from all corners of Ohio, plus dozens of other states affected by fracking.
- Bill McKibben of, and Josh Fox, director of Gasland
Those people are the best reason to be there – it’s the human connections that make our movement work. We’re planning for 3 days of strategy sessions and trainings from June 14th to 16th to learn from each other and work together to build a stronger movement.Trainings will be held at the Ohio Urban Arts Center, and a full agenda is available’s a bit of what’s planned:
- The gas industry (yep, they’ll be there to counter protest us)
- A non-violent direct action training led by‘s awesome trainers who helped make last year’s Tar Sands Action a success
- Workshops in organizing for a local control led by Ohio’s strongest local organizers
- Updates and discussions about political strategy to outflank Gov. Kasich and the oil industry in Ohio
- Deeper trainings in media outreach, researching campaign contributions and the economics of fracking
These workshops are just a piece of the action – there are also bands and dance party on Friday night, a panel with Bill McKibben and Josh Fox on Saturday night, and a Don’t Frack Ohio contingent in Columbus’ Pride Parade Saturday at Noon.
- Art builds to make our march shine
So: it’s a full couple of days, and if you can make it, not to be missed. If you need it, there’s affordable camping space available near Columbus (sign up here), and a ride and housing board to help you make it to the action available here.
That brings us to what’s happening Sunday the 17th – the main event. If you can make it for only one day, try to make it this day.At 11 AM we’ll gather at Arch Park, (McFerson Commons) in downtown Columbus. There, we’ll rally and get fired up for our march to the Statehouse, where we will occupy the statehouse and send an unmistakable message to Gov. Kasich: Don’t Frack Ohio! After we’ve assembled and passed people’s legislation to protect Ohio from the oil industry, we’ll march back to the park and talk about what we’re doing next. We will be wrapped up by 2:30 PM or so.
On Sunday we’ll hear from Josh and Bill, as well as green business owners, landowners affected by the gas and coal industries, and grassroots activists leading this fight at the front lines. If you’re a part of this movement, you’ll either see friends there, or make new ones.This action, and our movement, runs on people power. If you are able to step up to do more, there’s plenty to do – from marshaling the march, to helping prep food to building art.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s an honor and a pleasure to be a part of this growing movement.
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