U.K. Review of Fracking Concludes That It Is Safe When Best Practices are Used

From Ars Technica:
A UK review by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering has concluded that fracking can be undertaken safely, as long as "best practices are implemented and robustly enforced through regulation." 
Fracking (short for hydraulic fracturing) is a process where highly-pressurized liquid is fired into the ground, splintering rocks many hundreds of metres below the surface. Oil and gas escapes, which is then collected up for fuel. 
"There has been much speculation around the safety of shale gas extraction following examples of poor practice in the US," said Robert Mair, chair of the review's working group. "We found that the most common areas of concern, such as the causation of earthquakes with any significant impact or fractures reaching and contaminating drinking water, were very low risk." 
Those findings are in line with previous reports. The US National Research Council found that earthquakes caused by fracking are rarely strong enough for people to feel. The British Geological survey said it was "extremely unlikely" that groundwater could be contaminated by the process.

Read the rest of the article here.

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