Analyst Says That the Future For Natural Gas Couldn't Be Brighter

Bright future for natural gas?
From MarketWatch:
On any given day, the pundits natter on about the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy, Europe’s fiscal woes or any number of other economic worries. 
Well, here’s something that may surprise many (since so few pundits have chosen to talk about it):  The U.S. is likely to achieve total energy independence in less than 15 years. But it won’t be because of oil, coal, hydro, wind, solar or nuclear. No, the answer is cheap and plentiful natural gas. 
Just four years ago, natural gas was considered just one more energy source, like oil, that would need a high level of foreign imports to fulfill U.S. demand. But vastly improved technology — along with huge discoveries such as the Marcellus Shale in New York and Pennsylvania and the Eagle Ford deposit of Texas — haven’t just eliminated the need for imports. They’ve created a glut. 
In 2008, natural gas sold at $13 per million BTUs. Two years ago, its price dropped 60%, to $5. And today, it sells for half again that amount: $2.50. 
Consequently, the shares of most natural gas companies took a drubbing over the past year, even as the broad market rose. 
Yet, an enormous long-term buying opportunity is unfolding here: a fast-growing gas company with enormous upside potential. It will not only boost its production by 30% this year, it’s in the process of increasing its reserves nearly tenfold. 
Profits should (conservatively) triple next year — and may do substantially better.
Read the rest of the article here.

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