Eclipse Resources Goes Long Again with Third "Super-Lateral" Well

From an Eclipse Resources press release:
The Company has recently turned its seven well Moser pad to sales, located in the Company’s Utica Shale dry gas window acreage in eastern Monroe County, Ohio. The Moser pad wells are currently producing approximately 100 MMcf per day collectively as the Company continues to implement its “engineered” flowback procedure designed to bring the wells up to target production rates while preserving fracture conductivity and minimizing formation damage. These wells were completed using a number of new completions techniques, which may form the basis of future completion designs beyond the Company’s “Generation-3” design that resulted in the Company increasing all of its Utica Shale type well expectations over the course of the year. 
The Company also announced today that it has successfully drilled its third and newest “Super-Lateral” well, the Outlaw C 11H, with a total measured depth of approximately 27,750 feet and a lateral extension of approximately 19,500 feet in 17 days from spud to TD in the Company’s Utica Shale Condensate area, setting a new lateral length record for the Company. 
Commenting on the operational activity, Benjamin W. Hulburt, Eclipse Resources Chairman, President and CEO, said the following, “I remain extremely pleased with our team’s operational cadence, and look forward to assessing the results from the seven well Moser pad. This pad, which contains 7 gross (7.0 net) wells with an average lateral length of approximately 7,200 feet, has recently been turned to sales slightly ahead of schedule, with starting pressures ranging up to approximately 7,500 pounds (psi). Building upon our Gen-3 frack design, this pad includes wells which are designed to test higher proppant volumes, engineered stage lengths and the use of diversion chemicals. Although extremely early in the life of these new exciting wells, we are initially very intrigued with what we are seeing. Based on the results of these wells so far, the continued performance of our Gen-3 wells, and the team’s ability to shorten our cycle times, I expect our production in the third quarter 2017 to be at least 350 MMcfe per day. 
I am also pleased to announce that we have drilled our third “Super-Lateral” well, with a record setting lateral length of approximately 19,500 feet in 17 days. This well, located in the Utica Condensate area, along with the recently drilled 19,300 foot Great Scott 3H well are expected to begin completions in the third quarter of this year. Additionally, we have completed the drilling of our second Marcellus Condensate well and are excited to begin applying our innovative completion techniques to this portion of our acreage during the third quarter of 2017. These Marcellus wells should allow us to further prove-up this area of our acreage that includes over 70 risked 10,000 foot lateral locations that can be developed in conjunction with our Dry Gas Utica position in this area of southeastern Ohio.”
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