Ohio Court Rules Landmen Need Real Estate License

From Vorys Energy & Environmental Law Blog:
Ohio’s Seventh District Court of Appeals recently held that landmen are subject to the requirements of R.C. Chapter 4735 requiring real estate broker’s licenses in order to be entitled to compensation for brokering deals with landowners on behalf of oil and gas companies. 
In Dundics v. Eric Petroleum Corp., plaintiff landmen alleged that they were not compensated by the defendant oil and gas company for their work in assisting the company with negotiating and obtaining oil and gas leases in Ohio. The company moved to dismiss the lawsuit, asserting that the landmen were not licensed Ohio real estate brokers, and therefore, were barred from recovering under R.C. 4735.21, which precludes the recovery of compensation for “real estate. . . brokerage transaction[s]” unless the person brokering the transactions is a licensed estate broker.
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